Wednesday, October 24, 2007


After almost two moons of neglect, I once again take time to peck out something of my life for everyone with an interest to read. Not much has happened except for Mary and Becca's visit last week. It is so good to be back though. Seeing everything green and growing and being able to communicate and just get up and go somewhere. The little things take on a strange importance that you took for granted until you left them. Anyone who has been to Haiti understands what I'm talking about.
We've been working short days and taking care of all the medical stuff that goes with coming back from deployment. I have two or three dental appointments and one to get my glasses replaced coming up before leave. I've also been picked to be the battery's new armorer so I may have classes for that soon. That basically involves taking care of the battery's weapons and sensitive items. We had a pt test this morning and I did a lot better than I thought I would, scoring a 271 out of 300. Not bad for coming off six months of no pt. Going to the gym in Kuwait is what saved me from a horrible score.
For those hooligans out there I call family and friend, I will be taking leave from 14 Dec to 6 Jan and the trip to Haiti is planned for the 18th to the 31st. Kent is working on his leave and as soon as we get that figured out we can buy tickets. His team leader is a moron and no help whatsoever so he has to call his platoon sgt who is temporarily in OK. What a zoo. The army is retarded. If anyone wants to send gifts, we plan on carying as much stuff as the airlines will let us =) I can't wait to see everybody. It feels lke forever. Love y'all


Beth Hotchkiss-Yoder said...

Hey. . . you are still alive!!!! Nice to hear from you :)
If you could send Grandma your address. . .I know she has some mail she would like to send you. . . .
Thanks for the update!!

Beth Hotchkiss-Yoder said...

Happy Birthday Mike!!!!!!

Beth Hotchkiss-Yoder said...

i can see why now you never update. . . your on facebook :) fun right??!!!!!
Have a great day!