Thursday, May 10, 2007


Sorry people, I just can't upload pictures with this network. It always brings up some stupid error about needing the blog id. I've been working on it for over an hour and still no luck. You guys may have to wait til I get back to see everything.
I found out yesterday that I'm definitely going to Taji. It's at a little village north of Baghdad itself and we'll be working the areas around the edges of Baghdad. The sergeant said that we might be spending some time at outposts if we have extended patrols. Outposts tend to be pretty spare on the comfortable side of things so that might be interesting. I'll try to let everybody know ahead of time if I'm going to be doing that in case I can't write while I'm there. Oh by the way, don't wory if I can't write for a while sometimes. The internet could go down here and sometimes things just get busy and I can't find time for a while. They say that Taji has the biggest px in Iraq so I shouldn't have any trouble getting what supplies I need. Hopefully they also have decent internet so I can stay in touch. Today we're just sitting around waiting. At 1500 we have to go over to brigade to find out our flight times. They could possibly be tonight sometime. I'll be glad to finally get to where Ive been going for the past 10 days.


Beth Hotchkiss-Yoder said...

Thanks for the comment!!!! I sent you a email. . .it's a must read. . .. and yes it's to bad about the pics. . . .Life I guess

4Him-in-Mole said...

Hey Mike,

Even if there are no pictures, we're glad to hear from you so often. Keep it up, and know that we pray for you and all the guys over there all the time.

Dad, Mom and the gang

GrammaB said...

Mike -
Can you get packages? Is there something you are missing that could be sent?
Ruth Bradley - friend of your family in Haiti

Beth Hotchkiss-Yoder said...

Hey Mike, Tim here. Yea you're bro. had me a little uptight last night but it made me start thinking.... I had not prayed for you every day like I intended to do, so I guess it served as a poke in the rear to do better. Anyway...hope you are feeling better and we will keep praying for safety. Later, Man.... Keep the bugs off your glass and the bears off your tail....wait that hardly works over there.....keep the sand out of your eyes and the insurgents off your tail.....I think I'd better quit.... Love You